
 My original video for the TED Talk went over 10 minutes, so I had to drastically shorten it. I could go hours talking about animals and conservation. I had a blast researching all of these amazing animals. I think the reason why I love Florida wildlife so much, except for it being awesome, is circumstance. Florida wildlife got me out of the lowest point in my life, when I had given up hope. You see, I was in a wheelchair, unable to walk for 6 months. My parents took me to a bird rescue center, and I saw a Florida sandhill crane with a new prosthetic leg. Just like the crane, I too was reteaching myself how to walk. At that moment, I made a promise. That the next time we see each-other, we will be fully walking. It ended up happening on the second time however. This TED Talk will never make me look at ecosystems the same again. When I see an ecosystem now, I will forever think of the animals missing in order for it to function. I will always be haunted by the vanished animals, yet inspired. Inspired to help protect what we have left. Most people would ask "Why? Why must we worry about this animal. Who cares if it dies, it will not effect tomorrow." While parts of that statement are true, I believe it is just selfish and ignorant for use to kill off an evolutionary masterpiece millions of years in the making.
